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Iola 2017 Experience

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:49 am
by Fins59
Hi fellas, long time no post.
Thought I'd share this. Took my '59 to Iola again this year (15th year), As I was parking it among at least a thousand cars, a fellow walked up and was interested in the Plymouth.
He noticed the Texas plate on front of my car and said he was from Texas. I told him my car came from Austin. He said he was from Austin. Our conversation revealed that he was good friends with the previous owner of my car (Miles Earney, forward look enthusiast in Austin area).
He took pics of my car and texted Miles with the info.
Later in day I ran into this fellow again and he said Miles texted him back and said he wants to buy my car back. As they say, "small world".

It seems each year Iola offers some kind of unusual happening. I camp there for the full 3 day event so get the full experience.
This year I also took my '70 Gremlin. That car gets comments from, I would say, 99 out of 100 onlookers. I actually like the comical negative ones more than the (few) positive ones. :)

There was a '59 Plymouth Sport Fury (361) for sale for $9500 by Teds Tuna Boats. Car was in rough, rough, rough shape. It was on a trailer.

Re: Iola 2017 Experience

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:14 pm
by Faulkner
Fins59 wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:49 am Later in day I ran into this fellow again and he said Miles texted him back and said he wants to buy my car back.
And your answer was "NO", I hope :P

How about posting some pix from Iola? Love to see 'em!

Re: Iola 2017 Experience

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:36 am
by Fins59
Dan: I think I qualify for the WSR (world's slowest replier).
Of course I said NO.
On the pic deal.....I used to be a picture taker back in the day when you took your roll of film to Walmart to get developed.
Just never got used to digital cameras. But I recently bought a GoPro so we'll see what happens with that.

Been enjoying your recent articles in the Plymouth Bulletin. Keep it up. Seems '59's don't get enough attention in that magazine (but I might be biased).

Re: Iola 2017 Experience

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:03 am
by Faulkner
Thanks John! Look for an upcoming POC article on a resto in India, of all places (no, not the one on the ashram). And, a certain Dutch father/son duo...