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LED'S in the dash.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:09 pm
by Dick Koch
(This posting copied from elsewhere, for reference.) -Ed.
My dash lighting on all my cars seemed rather dull and dim so l replaced all the three top #57 bulbs with LED lights. HUGE DIFFERENCE. I didn't change the turn, hi-beam. Oil or generator bulbs because they were pretty bright and seldom are on.

Re: LED'S in the dash.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:21 pm
by Dick Koch
Yes Matthew, you can still dim them. John Q. Wanted so numbers for the LED'S. I tried to post pictures here an email them to Dan but they are to large to send. Thats why the pictures are on facebook. I purchased them on line at about half the price you can get them at Advance auto or Pep Boys. Go to link to your car and they list all the bulbs you use and the LED equivalent.

#57 = BA9S-RHPS RED.
#1073 = 1156-CW18-T COOL WHITE.