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Note from the '59 Plymouth Technical Supervisor

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:15 am
by Faulkner

I'm been emailing Lanny Knutson, editor of "The Bulletin" (the publication of the Plymouth Owner's Club) about a special edition next year on our 50th Anniversary -- also, Bob Hinds, the '59 Plymouth Technical Supervisor for the POC. I just received this note from Bob:
Robert Hinds wrote: From: Robert Hinds
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 9:56 AM
To: Dan Morton
Subject: RE: Plymouth articles for 50th anniverary


Thanks for everything you do to promote the 1959 Plymouths. Yes, I have already thought about what to write for next year.

I did not know you talked with the original owners of your car, that's great and would be of interest to the readers. I had a difficult time tracing the heritage of my car as Alabama did not have titles until in the 1970's. But I was able to find out who owned it, however two of the former owners were already dead, including the original owner. I plan to share all this with the club members as it is an interesting story.

Lets see if the members of your web site can overwhelm Lanny with a huge amount of articles for next year! That would be a problem that he would love to have.

Now, there's a call to action if I ever heard one! What about you? I know there are lots of interesting stories out there -- about how you came to own your Plymouth, about the adventures you've had in it, and about you yourself! Write up something, include pix, and send 'em my way. I'll see that Lanny gets them -- let's deluge him!
